The easiest way to get started with YQL is through the YQL Console, an interactive online tool that allows you to formulate and test YQL queries on the fly. YQL入门最简单的方式就是通过YQL控制台,一种允许您即时制定并测试YQL查询的互动式在线工具。
To run the clean ups scripts, use ij, the interactive SQL scripting tool, present as ij. 要运行清理脚本,使用ij,交互式SQL脚本工具,目前为ij.bat(Windows)或者。
In order to consume or deploy4GL functions as Web services, I4GL provides an interactive tool called'w4gl'that collects the necessary inputs from the user and records them in the database. 为了以Web服务的形式消费或部署4GL函数,I4GL提供了一种交互式工具‘w4gl’,它从用户那里收集必需的输入并把信息记录在数据库中。
I might use an interactive tool, such as vmstat, and then a capturing tool, such as nmon, to help me track data historically. 我可能使用交互式工具(如vmstat),然后使用捕获工具(如nmon)来帮助我跟踪数据历史记录。
One of these, ij, is an interactive Java ™ tool for communicating with the Apache Derby database server. 其中的ij是交互式Java™工具,用于与ApacheDerby数据库服务器通信。
The W4GL interactive tool allows you to populate the Web service information into the database. 可以通过交互式工具W4GL把Web服务信息填充到数据库中。
The Washington Post created a data visualization of average age ranges for Olympic sports, including an interactive tool to see if you'd be too old to compete. 《华盛顿邮报》对奥运运动员们的年龄进行了一项数据调查,使用了一个交互工具来统计年龄过大是否不适合竞技比赛。
This interactive tool can help you assess your symptoms and find out if you might be depressed. 这一个相互作用的工具可以帮助你评估你的症状并发现自己是否抑郁。
Interactive software measurement tool 交互式软件测量工具
This paper tells the designing and building for an interactive generating tool for MIS with friendly user-interface, according to authors practice of studying interactive generating tool for MIS. 本文根据作者近年来研制交互式管理信息系统(MIS)生成工具的实践,阐述了一个人机界面友好的交互式MIS生成工具的设计与实现。
This course features a complete set of lecture notes and a unique interactive learning tool that explains structures and structural forces. 本课程的特点是有一整套课堂讲稿和一个独特的交互式学习工具,这工具可以解释建筑结构和结构受力。
The deciphering software developed with the method supplies an intuitionistic interactive tool in the three-dimensional scene, which helps decipherers to carry out deciphering quickly and accurately. 基于该方法开发的解译软件,提供了三维场景中直观的交互式解译工具,辅助解译者快速、准确地完成钻孔解译。
Graphical system is one of the important parts of configurable software, and it is also the main interactive design tool. 图形系统是组态软件一个重要的组成部分,它也是人机交互的主要设计工具。
Surgical navigation system is a useful interactive tool that provides real-time guidance during surgical operations. 外科导航系统可提供外科手术过程中的实时指导,是一种极具应用前景的互动式工具。
Accordingly, this thesis develops an interactive translation tool objected to professional translators& a PinYin Edit Method with English-Chinese aided translation function. 基于上述思想,本文开发了一种供专业翻译人员使用的交互式翻译工具&具有英汉辅助翻译功能的拼音输入法。
The paper presents an interactive programming tool SPA. 本文介绍了一个交互式的程序设计工具SPA。
City Simulation: An Interactive Tool for Public Participation 城市仿真&一种交互式规划和公众参与的创新工具
Flash is an excellent software of Web page animation design which is introduced by American MACROMEDIA Company, an interactive tool of animation design. Flash是美国的MACROMEDIA公司推出的优秀网页动画设计软件,是一种交互式动画设计工具。
Aiming at the image media in this paper, we provide a description scheme of the hierarchical contents based on the MPEG-7 frames. Furthermore, we design and implement a interactive image description tool based on the MPEG-7 frames. 本文针对图像媒体类型,提出了一种具体的基于MPEG-7框架的内容层次化描述模式,并在该描述模式的基础上设计与实现了一个基于MPEG-7框架的交互式图像层次化描述工具。
The interactive bicycle simulator is a new type interactive entertainment tool which is constructed through multimedia, mechanics and computer technologies etc. This is a typical application of virtual reality. 交互式自行车模拟器集计算机、机械与多媒体等技术为一体,提供了一种新型的交互式娱乐工具。
OLAP is a kind of interactive tool that can provide precise views of enterprise original data rapidly. Through it analysts can analyze the data quickly without programming. OLAP是一种能够以精确视图的形式提供企业原始数据的快速、稳定的交互式工具,分析人员可以通过它对数据进行快捷的分析,避免了编写复杂的查询语句。
Building a Distributed and Interactive Tool for Fast Video Parsing 建造分布式快速视频交互解析工具
The solid molding program of the plane-generated double enveloping hourglass worm-gear pairs is compiled by using the UG/ Open GRIP interactive programming tool and Matlab software. An example is given to illustrate this principle can be used to build the solid model of other drive pairs. 利用UG/OpenGrip交互式图形编程和Matlab软件编写了平面二次包络环面蜗杆蜗轮副实体建模程序,并举例说明了本方法可用于其它传动副实体建模。
This paper focuses on how to create a dynamic and interactive making tool for spatial planning using new Web generation standard of XML-SVG combined with JavaScript. 文章基于XML-SVG与JavaScript等技术的结合应用,讨论了一个动态的、可交互的、网络化的空间规划工具的开发与应用。
As a interactive tool of disseminating multimedia information such as text, audiovisual, entertainment, etc. Including all advantages of newspaper, broadcast, television and computer, mobile phone television will become the new mainstream media. 作为传播文本、视听、娱乐等多媒体信息的互动性的传播工具,集报纸、广播、电视及电脑优势于一身的手机电视势必成为新主流媒体。
Both studies use Tencent QQ as an interactive tool to the salaries of a description of the method for learning content, to complete the two remuneration calculated entitled learning task. 两个研究均利用腾讯QQ作为交互工具,以薪酬计算方法的描述为学习内容,以完成两道薪酬计算题为学习任务。
Facial expression is an important interactive tool for expressing emotion information, which has potential application value in high demanding intelligent human-computer interaction. 人脸面部表情是表达情感信息的重要交互工具,在需求高的智能化人机交互中具有潜在应用价值。
As the most widely used multimedia interactive application tool so far, Adobe Director is weak in its database access and operation function aspects. Director作为应用最为广泛的多媒体互动应用程序开发工具,其数据库访问和操作功能薄弱。
On this framework, the user can select some pixels belong to object ( foreground) and some pixels belong to background by the interactive tool, then the parameters of the model is learned or the energy function is optimized from these pixels to segment object more accurate. 在该框架下,用户通过交互式工具在图像标注一些属于目标(前景)的象素和一些属于背景的象素,然后利用这些象素进行模型参数学习或能量函数优化以更精确地将目标分割出来。
Put it another way multimedia products can also be considered to be an interactive tool, because the user can freely touch and click screen to interact. 换一种方式来说多媒体产品也可被认为是一种交互的工具,因为用户可以通过随意触摸和点击屏幕来进行交互。